Modeling in a Smaller Market
A guide to regional and smaller market modeling
Please note: Courses will be released 3/29/17 Purchase in our pre-sale and save 50% with code celebrate50off
Don't live near a major market? Don't know what kind of market you live near? No problem.
If you're starting out in the industry but don't live near a major market, you may be able to find great success starting locally in smaller markets that you can easily drive to for meetings, castings, and more. In her course, Brandis will discuss all things related to modeling in a smaller market to help you understand how to either begin or how to further advance your child's career.
In her course, Brandis discusses modeling in a smaller market. As you may or may not know, modeling in larger markets can be different than those in smaller markets. Brandis carefully explains the nuances associated with modeling in a smaller market- like the differences between exclusive and non exclusive contracts, the role of a mother agent, direct bookings and more.
So whether or not you're signed with an agent, this course will help clarify the markets, terms, and how to move forward to make the most of your time and money. Brandis is an industry veteran and agency owner, and her tips are definitely not to be missed!
Key points include:
What's included?
Preparation and education are the keys for success in this industry. Let's get started.
Brandis Ohlsson
Modeling in a Smaller Market Quiz
Modeling in a Smaller Market Handout
Modeling in a Smaller Market with Brandis Ohlsson