Course Description

Please note: Courses will be released 3/29/17 Purchase in our pre-sale and save 50% with code celebrate50off

Have you ever wondered how the parents of successful child models balance budget, kids, travel and more? Do you want to know some insider tips from a mom and manager of a successful child model? This video covers everything from rejection to the role of the parent on set to the business side of the industry.

Many of parents of child models want to get into the business, or are looking to take their child's career to the next level. Cassie offers invaluable advice- both practical and emotional- of how she and her daughter have achieved success.

Hear from a parent in the role of mom and manager about the experience of being a summer kid and how to navigate that financial reality. Cassie also explains how they manage Madi's career- from school to expectations and more. Get the answers you're looking for straight from someone who's "made it."

Key points include:

  • The role and responsibilities of a parent to a child model
  • Tips on how to communicate with your child about the business
  • What to expect financially

What's included?

  • The Parent's Role with Cassie Phillips
  • PDF handout of key points and review
  • Brief quiz to test your knowledge!

From one parent to another- don't miss Cassie's unique advice for parents of child models.

Super Momager

Cassie Phillips

Cassie Phillips, M.Ed. worked in Public Health for the past ten years while also helping her daughter, Madi J, acheive success as a child model. Cassie is a single mother of two- Madi J (10) and Landon Chase (7). Cassie is a career oriented Supermomager- balancing a top booking daughter and a son who exceeds in soccer.Cassie's daughter Madi has appeared in the following campaigns: Journeys- Cover, Kid Piks, Lane Bryant's #DareToBeThatGirlAgain Campaign, Jessica Simpson, Petite Parade, Guess, Little Miss Matched, Hooligan's, The Children's Place, and many more.

Course curriculum

  • 1

    The Parent's Role

    • The Parent's Role: Quiz

    • The Parent's Role with Cassie Phillips

    • The Parent's Role Handout

Buy an individual course for $20/ea, or save money with our course set: 6 courses + 1 bonus video for $99!